Fabric Processing

Our Fabric Processing Facility

X athletic wear Is a leading manufacturer of athletic wear, specializes in fabric processing Process. They convert raw textiles into finished products ready for garment manufacturing.

Fabric processing Process involves multiple steps. Firstly, in the pre-treatment stage, raw textiles undergo inspection, cleaning, and preparation for dyeing or printing. Next, state-of-the-art machinery and eco-friendly dyes and pigments are used for dyeing or printing.

Following dyeing or printing, fabrics undergo finishing treatments to enhance appearance and performance. Treatments include washing, softening, coating, and laminating. Quality control checks ensure X athletic wear’s high standards are met.

The fabric processing process demands technical expertise, advanced machinery, and attention to detail. With experienced professionals and cutting-edge technology. X athletic wear produces durable, comfortable, and functional fabrics—ideal for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Preshrunk Washing

When sewing or winding certain textures. they often leave void spaces in their ties, resulting in clothing contraction when washed.

To avoid this, at X athletic wear, we offer clients the option of pre-contracting their textures through washing. This ensures that the clothing remains firmly grasped and doesn’t shrink when washed with either cold or hot water. It effectively communicates the durability of your clothing line to customers, especially those who frequently wash their garments. With this option, a medium-sized garment stays a medium even after multiple washes.

Silicon Washing

At X athletic wear You Can Apply Silicon Washing To Your Altered Created Piece Of Clothing. Silicon Washing Is A Cycle By Which You Can Add More Delicateness To Your Articles Of Clothing. It Additionally Assumes The Part Of Pre-Contracted Washing, Restricting The Weaves Of The Texture All The More Intently.

It Is A Truly Decent Method For Introducing Your Planned outfit Piece Of Clothing To Your Client. Make Your Client Become Hopelessly Enamored With The New Article Of Clothing. He Purchased From You, It Builds The Existence Of Your Article Of Clothing So That It Remains Delicate And New Even After 3 To 4 Washes. Silicon Washing Is Planned To Make The Article Of Clothing Gentler, More Agreeable And More Dependable.”

Bio Washing

At x athletic wear you can likewise decide to apply Bio Washing with your article of clothing, It is the interaction by which you can add delicateness, yet additional try to please piece of clothing.

This interaction is exceptionally powerful in keeping up with and saving the shade of your hand crafted clothing article of clothing at a lot more significant level for a more extended timeframe.

It very well may be an extraordinary option in contrast to numerous different cleansers that are brimming with destructive synthetic substances, it comprise of normal cleanser bubbles, regular variety fixers, regular lighting up specialists and fabric conditioners.

x athletic wear prescribes its clients to select numerous washing interaction simultaneously also to give it various advantages that can be smart for the piece of clothing.

Enzyme Washing

At x athletic wear, you can likewise decide to go for chemical washing your specially crafted design article of clothing. This interaction builds the variety speed and focusing on quickness and shines the article of clothing such a way that your altered attire article of clothing engaging quality boosts.

It additionally further develops hostile to heaping properties of the article of clothing as it goes after more the outer layer of the textures, bringing about a further smooth surface of the texture.

With us, you can do both corrosive chemical wash or Neutral catalyst washing, every one of these cycles have their own particular purposes for making your dress article of clothing look great. To give your item different advantages that can be utilized while selling your piece of clothing, xathleticwear would prescribe you to pick Enzyme Washing so your image gets a superior vibe.

Acid Washing

With Us here at x athletic wear, you can likewise utilize the course of corrosive washing additionally knows as stone washing, to add that much advertised blurring impact , you can decided to have it done the manner in which you like it, we as a rule do this cycle on pieces of clothing made of additional strong textures, similar to denim or twill textures. However, you can continuously imagine a development, we will welcome to give this interaction a shot some other sort of texture you need. Textures, for example, 100 percent Cotton give out best outcome too when handled through corrosive washing as it assists with giving shirts and some other cotton pullover item a classic look.

Burn Out Process

With us at x athletic wear, You can likewise perform exceptional cycles to your article of clothing, and make them considerably more tweaked; we can perform burnout interaction to you pieces of clothing, regardless of whether you are requesting lower amounts. Burnout process is an exceptional instrument used to tweak attire and make them blurred from one section where maybe the texture segment got scorched, it gives a classic look, appropriate for ladies clothing, or for whatever other altered article of clothing that your brain can imagine. We attempt to give you however much customization choices as could be expected, to make sure you can give the best item out to your client. Burnout process will in general decrease string includes in the middle of a congruity which brings about an interesting search for your things.


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